Dermot 'Daisy' O'Brien
Politician, Educator, and Youth Worker in Bray
Dermot 'Daisy' O'Brien
Politician, Educator, and Youth Worker in Bray
Go to to get all the details of the major changes to bus numbers, routes, frequency etc.
Check out my one page Newsletter in photos!
How's it going? I’m Cllr Dermot 'Daisy' O'Brien. Welcome to my page.
Let's get the obvious out the way first! I am a local politician in Bray. I was first elected in 2019 and re-elected again in 2024!
It is my honour to be the current Cathaoirleach of Bray and I hope that my term will reflect my passion for inclusion, engagement and participation.
Alongside the political stuff I want to remind everyone that I am also an educator, a youth worker, a trauma trainer, a writer, a parent of teens and someone who is very passionate about community!
If you check out the bottom of this page you will see 9 logos. Clicking them will give you a full flavour of who I am, what I believe in, what I am involved in, what I care about, what I write about, talk about and what motivates me. You will even get a sense of what type of music I listen to!
Feel free to contact me on the form below OR sign up to my Newsletter and get all of my updates and insights.
Check out my 50 Reflections as I turned 50 Years old for a deep dive into my story.